We are looking for reinforcement for our Service/ Customer Support Team!
- Customer service via eMail and telephone in German and English language
- Collecting all relevant data and information
- Contact person for all enquiries about our products or for our existing customers
- Competent and outgoing, sympathetic handling of our excellent service
- No telephone canvassing or active sales on the phone
- Ideally first experience in written and telephone customer service in German and English
- Enjoy communicating with people
- Strong service orientation and professionalism
- Positive attitude with a friendly voice and polite manners
- Very good oral and written communication skills
- Confident use of computers (you will be trained to work with our processes in a relaxed manner)
- Ability to work in a team, reliable and able to work under pressure
- Very good, business fluent English and German, both written and spoken
| Desirable but not absolutely necessary
- Fishing as a hobby
- Experience with our products
☑️ An extremely interesting and varied job in an attractive and modern working environment
☑️ Close, friendly cooperation in a young, dynamic team.
☑️ Full-time (40h/week) or part-time permanent position, performance-related salary.
☑️ Flexible working hours that allow for a good work-life balance
☑️ Flat hierarchies and short decision-making processes - for a lot of creative freedom
☑️ Development opportunities independent of degree and education (promotion opportunities)
If you are interested, we look forward to receive your application, curriculum vitae, a short description about yourself and your gross/monthly salary expectation.
Alternatively in written form:
Carplounge Tackle
Daniel Radmacher
Medienstr. 6
47807 Krefeld
U wilt altijd op de hoogte blijven van nieuwe producten & aanbiedingen? Bij ons krijgt u precies waar u in geïnteresseerd bent! Op elk moment aanpasbaar en in overeen stemming met de gegevens bescherming.
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